Chastain Horse Park
4371 Powers Ferry Rd NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30327-3420, United States
Listing Details
Helping humans with the help of horses.
Surprising results may be obtained when taking advantage of the healing power horses have over certain humains. Contact us to learn more about our equine-assisted therapy services.
ADD or other Hyperactivity Disorder
At risk Youth
Cerebral Palsy
Developmental Delay or Disability
Down Syndrome
Emotional Behavioral or Mental Health
Genetic condition & disorder
Head trauma & Brain injury
Hearing Impairment
Learning Disability
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Orthopedic issues
Speech Impairment
Spina Bifida
Spinal cord injury
Visual impairment & blindness
ETR - Equine Therapy Registry
PATH International
Map Location
4371 Powers Ferry Rd NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30327-3420, United States
Chastain Horse Park
Helping humans with the help of horses.